Community-supported agriculture as an example to achieve resilience through community-based supply structures
A nascent publication in the German journal „HiBiFo – Haushalt in Bildung & Forschung“

Using the example of community-supported agriculture, the study outlines a decentralized, small-scale and demand-oriented economic principle of small units. Characteristics of a community-based and moderate food supply are analysed to show the perspective of a resilient regional value creation area beyond anonymous external supply and complex value creation architectures.
Keywords: community-supported agriculture, resilience, community-based economy, transformative learning, moderate economic activity
Paech, Niko/Rommel, Marius/Antoni-Komar, Irene/Posse, Dirk: The economic principle of small units—community-supported agriculture as an example to achieve resilience through community-based supply structures, HiBiFo – Haushalt in Bildung & Forschung, 4-2020, 47-63.